Monday, May 25, 2015

silage fermantation


Silage preparation is one of the important methods for storage of green fodder for dairy animals & it is necessary to adopt this method by Indian dairy farmers on large scale in situations like drought or heavy rainfall or scarcity of fodder.
What is silage making?

        Silage making means preservation of chaffed cereal green fodder in anaerobic condition by way of fermentation method. In anaerobic condition (no air inside pit/tank),with the help of microorganisms, sugar contained in green fodder is converted in to Lactic acid ,which help to preserve the green fodder for longer duration. Respiratory function of living cells present in green chaffed fodder utilises Oxygen in air tight condition & releases water & carbon dioxide in closed environment in pit/tank. Due to Carbon dioxide releases in pit/tank, air inside is expelled outside as well as organism which depends on oxygen (Like bacteria & Fungi) cannot withstand in carbon dioxide atmosphere in Tank/Pit leading to preservation of chaffed green fodder in silo pit/tank as silage for longer duration (6 months or max. a year if good care is taken)